Monday, February 18, 2008

Yanks = 5; South Africans = 3

The sunshine finally returned to Cape Town last Friday to kick off my weekend. Saturday morning, I woke up before sunrise for fishing on False Bay with JP. Being the only American, I had to represent; JP caught 2 and his friend from Pretoria caught 1 so the final score was: Yanks = 5; South Africans = 3! JP and I split the fish and I went home with the task of filleting and cooking them up. It's been years since I've filleted a fish and a sharp knife has been added to my shopping list. ELC's lessons are coming back more and more frequently...

After cooking and a quick tasting, I met up with a few med students on a rotation from the States and went out on Long Street, the vibey part of town, for a few drinks. Sunday morning was a lazy morning and I slept in the latest I have since returning to South Africa. (I can see Ana smiling!) The rest of the day included a bit of work, starting The Fountainhead on the beach, and a visit to the indoor climbing gym. I think I was asleep Sunday night by 9pm... 0verall a great weekend!

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